“Don't regret your past. Learn from it. Regrets only make a person weaker.”

In my College Year, I still continued here at the University of the East.1 I pursued the course of IT since I was more acquainted to it.2 I was supposed to finish all 4 years in continuation, but due to some financial problems I only got to finish 1 semester of my 1st year.3 After that I tried and found a job for myself, I was referred to a job by my sister.4 It was a job for a company called AT&T.5 It was actually nerve wracking to think my first job would be there, an international company.6 I was very nervous on the interview but I managed to get accepted and actually work immediately after the interview.7 There I was able to experience what is was like to have a job and communicate with some people internationally.8 I got working there shorty as a Technical Support Adviser.9 I met some wonderful people there and a mentor that would constantly share his wisdom to us, his story, his view, and experience.10 I met some teammates that I could call brothers and sisters, met some friends that I truly trust.11 Worked there for a year, and was actually finding it comfortable to work.12 But things don't usually go to your way, a year after working there my job would be cut short because of the pandemic.13 I was jobless and got nothing to do because of it.14 Spent almost 2 years of my life at home helping with things in the house.15 After some time I remembered to finish my college, after talking to my family they all we're okay and I continued studying for my college.16 So here we are, after a few years I got back to the University of the East.17 Continued my studies with IT, was actually thinking of shifting to Psychology since it piqued my interest more at that time.18 Met some of my old batchmates which just graduated from their college last year, they helped me, motivated me to finish what I started.19 That's I can add up to my present college life as of now.20
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