“Dream, not of what you are, but of what you want to be.”

In my teenage years, I began to develop a passion for technology and computers.1 As a teen I began to meddle with the family computer to the point I began trying to open it up and check the insides.2 I also tend to pick things apart such as remotes and toys just to see the parts of them.3 This prompt me to hang out at my uncle's place since he repairs computers and other appliances.4 I remember helping him on the repairs especially when it comes to computers.5 During this time I got myself involve with music.6 In which I would often borrow the guitar of my sister, and sometimes practice playing the drums.7 It was also a time where I began to participate in some physical activities such as playing soccer and tae kwon do.8 In which I met some of my trusted friends and began to expand my point of view slowly through them and by the games I played.10 I do remember the games such as Metal Gear and Warframe leaving a philosophical view in life.11 I still follow the view learned from those games up until now.12 During this period of my life I would also come to acquaint with my ever blurring eyesight and astigmatism.13 At this time I mostly go out with my friends and visit place to place not really getting serious with my study.14 I was only doing the bare necessity in terms on my study, and actually finish my high school with an average grade but enjoyable high school life.15 After that we became the first batch of the new K-12 program, the first batch of senior high.16 I chose to study at the University of the East and pursue the the strand of STEM.17 I thought we would be taught some basics of the computer there but it was mostly on mathematical and scientific subjects.18 I did still enjoy my senior high here even though the course I picked was not really in line with what I want to learn.19 Well that's most for my teenage year.20
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